
Glen Holme Dohne Stud focuses on breeding Dohne sheep with a balance between wool, meat, fertility and structural soundness, with good temperaments.

Our family has been breeding woolled sheep since 1946 and Dohnes since 2006. We remain committed to the improvement of the Australian sheep industry by providing non-mulesed, paddock raised genetics for sale, with conscious thought to the full-grown size of animals for all who will continue to handle them in the future.

We employ strategic use of advanced breeding technologies and tools (artificial insemination, embryo transfer and MateSel) to maximise the number of elite and top performing young animals and future generations of breeding ewes.

We continually assess the animals through each stage from birth, marking, weaning, crutching and shearing to ensure structural soundness and stability of type. In addition, an independent classer assesses the flock for registration – a requirement of the Australian Dohne Breeders Association which we are active members of.

Together with our Dohnes, we run a Poll Merino Stud (Glen Holme Poll Merino Stud), a commercial sheep flock and a broadacre cropping program. With many things happening on our farm, we require easy care sheep that can look after themselves at times.

All our sheep, including our rams for sale, are paddock reared to ensure they can perform in commercial farming situations.


Glen Holme Dohnes -

the productive package


We invite you to visit our Glen Holme Poll Merino Stud webpage also.

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Thursday, 19th September

The Dohne Sheep Breed


The Dohne Merino is a dual purpose merino developed by the South Africa Department of Agriculture using Peppin-Based Merino ewes and German Mutton sires.