December 2021
Our grain harvest was the main focus for December. While we were busy with this, our rams were out in our ewe mobs for paddock mating. We trust that you enjoyed a safe and pleasant Christmas.
Our grain harvest was the main focus for December. While we were busy with this, our rams were out in our ewe mobs for paddock mating. We trust that you enjoyed a safe and pleasant Christmas.
We utilise the best breeding technology optimally for the size of our stud flock. Every few years we undertake an Embryo Transfer program. We flushed 71 viable embryos from our best seven available ewes and used four different Sires from other flocks, in this year’s program. We also conducted a modest AI program at the
We completed delivery of rams and began the selection process of identifying potential Donor ewes and AI candidates.
Early in the month we weaned lambs. Those from multiple births showed the effects of a shortage of feed but have boomed after being moved to fresh pastures. This month was busy preparing for our On-Property Sale, where we offered stud rams, registered stud ewes and commercial ewe hoggets. 69 rams were sold to $3600
We catalogued our sale rams much earlier than usual this year ahead of photographing and videoing them for an Auctions Plus interface with our Auction on Sept 16th. A late break to the season and a cold wet winter has affected all young sheep in our region. Being purely paddock raised does allow the identification
We used two groups of the best ram lambs to cover mate our ewes in late January and February. The lambs were born June/July and we have DNA sampled all the potential parents and lambs for parentage and Genomics. Currently the Dohne breed need to establish a reference population and validate the genomic results against
Finally, some rains have come to germinate the annual pasture species, feeding hay has continued to support requirements. We shore our June/July 2020 drop lambs and were extremely impressed with their body and wool types. Probably the best group of lambs we have ever produced. Wool styles and quality are a joy to see. Lauren
Delayed opening rain means plenty of time is spent feeding our sheep. Hay supplies have dwindled to the point that we have purchased additional hay from other growers. Mothering up lambs to ensure full pedigree is known continues at every opportunity. We used 13 Sires in single mated mobs of ewes in November/December, and we
Field Day attendance was possible at Karoonda for the first time since the Covid 19 pandemic began. We met current and potential clients and displayed a high-performance Sire and some young pregnant ewes. We attended the South Australian Sheep Expo in Adelaide and supported it with a Dohne display, an explanation of the breed characteristics
Allen and Joy were able to get permission to enter Victoria and re-enter SA (due to COVID restrictions), enabling us to see the 2019 drop progeny at the Balmoral trial site for their AMSEA Sire Evaluation. We were particularly impressed with the progeny of Glen Holme 162503. They were the best grown group, their wool