December 2022
We were able to get some extra visual scoring done thanks to a mild, late season, Rams were taken out of the ewe mobs following a restricted mating period. Harvest began just a few days before Christmas.
We were able to get some extra visual scoring done thanks to a mild, late season, Rams were taken out of the ewe mobs following a restricted mating period. Harvest began just a few days before Christmas.
Heavy rains provided reserves of moisture to finish crops, but also provided environmental pressures on wool quality. We were able to harness this opportunity and make classing and mating decisions accordingly. Rams went in to ewe mobs as single sires in the stud flock. We spend a great deal of time making these selection decisions,
This is a busy month every year as the days lengthen and the weather warms up, leading to increased growth rates in both plants and animals. Good rains were welcome. We finished delivering rams following our sale. We offered our ewe hoggets for sale later this year as the weather hasn’t warmed up enough by
Once again, we were awarded the Champion Dohne fleece at the Royal Adelaide Show. Results from our On-Property Auction were that we sold to a top of $4,000 and averaged $1,577 for 50 rams. The highest price was paid by our long-term client, they have been purchasing Glen Holme rams exclusively for their Poll Merino
Despite very wet conditions, we have been able to assess young rams, make selections and allocate lotting order for our auction on September 15th. We have also weaned the first group of lambs, those born by AI or ET. Using live entry of bodyweights into a database using the BreedELITE programme has given us much
We marked the naturally mated Dohne lambs, which were all by Glen Holme rams. At marking, we add a third identity tag that fulfils the ADBA requirement of double tagging. One tag is for our own internal use to help us quickly identify different sire family groups We also take breech scores for both cover
Rain, at last! We were able to continue with planting our cereal crops and begin lamb marking. We got a first look at the lambs from the November ET and AI program that brought in fresh genetics. Joy and Allen took a quick trip to NSW to view the Coonong Dohne Sire Evaluation trial. This
It finally rained well, beginning on the 29th of May. Earlier in the month, we had shorn the 2021 drop of young sheep after completing final measurements and assessments. All our wool lines tested either 18 or 19 microns, putting them into a premium marked bracket. We need to continue supplementary feeding of lambing ewes
Our lambs from last November’s AI and ET program have arrived. We used a Glen Holme sire 162503 who has done outstandingly well in the AMSEA trial at Balmoral in the 2019 drop, as well as some external sires from NSW and WA studs. These rams will provide good linkage both ways. Fleece testing was
Field Day attendance was possible again at Lucindale in the South East of SA. It was good to see existing clients and talk to some new folk about what make Dohnes so profitable.