July has been a busy month for the team at Glen Holme. We have continued our seeding program, marking another drop of lambs, as well as welcoming visitors to look at our sheep from the Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego regions of Chile and Argentina.
Allen joined the pre-conference tour as part of the Global Dohne Conference, and was joined in Dubbo by Joy, Damien, and some rams. We were proud to display these rams to conference delegates. We also continued on to the South Australian display at Mt Pleasant to join with other studs and meet with agents and producers. The Global Dohne Conference coincided with marking 50 year since the establishment of the Dohne breed Society in South Africa, and was attended by many international sheep breeders.
We enjoyed the company of people from Australia, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, South Africa, Uruguay and USA.
Data for the 2015 drop ewes and rams was submitted for processing by sheep genetics Australia.